Navigating 3 Stages of Trauma Healing: a Polyvagal Perspective
Trauma Recovery: trusting in your power to self-regulate
Unveiling the Impact of Trauma: 23 Unexpected Ways It Shapes Your Life
Emotional Normalization and How it Helps in Trauma Recovery
What Validation Is and How it Helps in Trauma Recovery
5 Practical Tips for Managing Anxiety in Your Daily Life
The Slow and Steady Path to Healing: How to Come Out of Shutdown and Reconnect After Trauma
Trauma recovery: the Normal & Non-linear process of change
Unstuck: Understanding Trauma & the Autonomic Nervous System
3 signs it's time to stop Trauma Work
Don't wait for this before self-regulating
3 Tips to Reduce Fear of Your Trauma
Yes, Unstucking can be scary
Dysregulation can come with Polyvagal safety
How to know if you are ready for direct trauma work
What you're getting wrong in trauma recovery
I'm a therapist and I was wrong about trauma recovery
What to do after learning the Polyvagal Theory
How to reduce your shame, blame & judgment
Why traumatized people have difficulty with safety