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  • Safety & Social Engagement / episode 2 Show Notes

    SAFETY & SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT EPISODE 2 SHOW NOTES Ventral Vagal Parasympathetic Autonomic Nervous system newest evolutionary branch HEALTH & SAFETY The Safe & Social State means the body can facilitate health, growth and restoration, instead of using resources for defense Survivors of trauma have higher rates of other problems because they are redirecting necessary resources: social, emotional and behavior problems, shorter life span, suicidality, diabetes, heart disease, lung cancer, autoimmune diseases BIOLOGY OF SAFETY Saliva and digestion are stimulated Heart rate slows Full breaths SAFETY Feeling safe is crucial in mammals Facilitates general health, like body functions, hormone release... Also facilitates cognitive functions, like learning, productivity, critical thinking, problem solving... Social engagement, such as mutual play, eye contact, safe touch... The perception of safety overrides the environmental safety Flight/Fight/Freeze can be triggered even if there is no environmental danger We efficiently detect safety cues in this state Instantaneously socially engage with others Closer proximity to someone who is safe Eye contact, eye crinkles Facial expressions, smiles Physical gestures and posture are more relaxed Hear human voice and tune out other noises Prosody - stress, pitch, intonation, pauses, volume and pace

  • Intro to the Polyvagal Theory / episode 1 Show Notes

    (This post contains affiliate links, meaning, if you click through and make a purchase or sign up for a program, I may earn a commission. This is at no additional cost to you.) Further reading: Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges - much easier to understand with a handy glossary at the beginning. Start here. The Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges - seriously in depth, highly academic Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory edited by Stephen Porges and Deb Dana - applications to lots of fields, including therapy, medical, nursing and grief INTRO TO THE POLYVAGAL THEORY Episode 1 Show Notes Mammals are able to automatically adjust to various levels of safety, danger or life threat. But these adjustments have consequences for daily living because we can get stuck. The Autonomic Nervous System controls the body’s internal environment. Breathing, heart rate, digestion 2 main branches: sympathetic & parasympathetic Unconscious Every autonomic response is in service of survival STEPS ON A LADDER Safe & Social Flight & Fight Freeze It’s not an option, it’s a sequence. AUTONOMIC STATE Either Safe & Social, Flight/Fight or Freeze A reaction to the outside world, internal world, and our perceptions The filter that we experience the world through NEUROCEPTION The body’s ability to detect risk outside of conscious awareness Shifts the body up and down the polyvagal ladder to the different states As the body moves down the ladder, we lose access to the behaviors higher up the ladder and defensive behaviors are unlocked in order to survive Healthy Neuroception The body detects and shifts to the appropriate State based on environment The body uses safe & social behavior in a safe environment The body does not use defenses like fighting or fleeing unless in danger Unhealthy Neuroception The body does not accurately detect or shift State based on environment The body does not flee or fight when in unsafe situations The body does not use safe & social behavior in a safe environment May be at the core of many mental health disorders To get back to the top of the ladder, we need to go through each state. If we’re in shut down, we need to go into fight, then flight and then into safety. If we’re in fight, we need to move up to flight and then into safety STORIES/NARRATIVES When these State shifts occur, we create a story to explain why. “The teacher hates me. There’s no point in trying,” “I deserved it.” “I’m worthless.” “I shouldn’t have been there.”

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