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Image by Colton Duke

Calm, confidence, & connection.

Develop the strength of your Polyvagal safety state through six unique anchoring pathways.

You're ready for the next step in your trauma recovery journey.

You’ve tried it all: working with therapists or coaches, different modalities, listening to the right gurus, and pouring through hours of content online. But nothing seems to be helping and you don’t know why.

the missing piece in trauma recovery.

Building Safety Anchors is a self-paced online course that increases your distress tolerance. This is the essential middle phase of trauma recovery that is overlooked.

BSA is for the person in their trauma recovery that has an understanding of the Polyvagal Theory and is looking for the next step on how to apply their knowledge.

100% focused on your safety state.

BSA is the only trauma recovery course that focuses entirely on building the strength of your vagal brake. This step is overlooked by every trauma recovery course or treatment modality that I am aware of. Yet it is absolutely essential in the trauma recovery process and probably why other attempts have led you nowhere.


Ignoring this crucial step can lead to retraumatization and should never be overlooked.

More safety. Less defense.

Experience more safety.

As you access and build your safety state strength, you will experience the feelings and thoughts that stem from the safety state. Feelings like calm and confidence. Thoughts like curiosity and optimism. You will have a sense of connection to yourself and to others.

Feel less defense.

A stuck defensive state presents in different ways: anxiety, anger, depression... The common factor of a traumatized system is an inability to access the safety state. As you build more safety, you will also experience less defensive activation.

BSA is not...

  • a repackaged webinar. BSA is an online course built from the Polyvagal Theory from the ground up.

  • the final step in trauma recovery, but it's the neglected and essential middle phase.

  • a collection of random "coping skills", it's a distinct learning path focused on actually accessing and building your safety state.

BSA is...

  • focused entirely on you and your safety state strength

  • the next step after learning the Polyvagal Theory and before directly experiencing your stuck defensive state

  • made for the person in trauma recovery, not professionals looking to build their skills (although they are welcome to be a part of BSA as well!)

You're worried.

You want to get unstuck completely and live a happy, healthy and whole life. You want results and you want them as fast as possible. Of course. I get it. But that doesn’t happen unless you have a strong enough vagal brake for the further work of trauma recovery. I don’t want to set you up for failure or retraumatization. Building the strength of your safety state is necessary before moving on.

Just like you, I want BSA to be a success for you:

  1. BSA has a 14 day money-back guarantee (more below).

  2. You can schedule a no-pressure no-sales chat with me for free and I am happy to answer any concerns or questions you have about BSA.

BSA focuses on safety.

Inside BSA, you will find clear teachings and steps on identifying, practicing and building your safety state. BSA teaches and guides you through six different anchoring paths. No one student is the same, so I have designed the course to work with you and what you are naturally pulled towards.

View the UDS curriculum >

BSA Goodies

Exclusive video lessons

BSA contains over three hours of exclusive video lessons.

Journal prompts

BSA prompts you with journaling and homework options. Learn, practice, and reflect.

Exclusive downloads

BSA contains exclusive lesson sheets and a 30 day challenge.

"safe enough to be curious"

"BSA has helped me stay anchored in safety to begin noticing my defensive, shutdown states. Without being anchored, I’d be lost at sea for some time. Now I feel safe enough to be curious." -Jenn

"like night and day"

I'm still building them, BUT the difference of having a safety anchor in place is like night and day to your lived experience. Quite simply, it replaces fear and anxiety with control and self assurance. NOW I understand what it means to "be present," and not let my anxiety take over and rewrite what is actually a pretty amazing story..." -Robin

"able to safely move forward"

"Without BSA I would not have been able to more forward in my trauma work because deeper trauma work requires the foundational part of safety. Having the skills of getting myself back to the point of feeling safe or safe enough eliminates the possibility of becoming re-traumatized by memories or flashbacks that occur while healing trauma. Once I learned how and when to return to my safety anchor I was able to safely move forward without overwhelm but with confidence and a sense of being present." -Sandra

"never experienced anything like it"

"The course has finished but I will carry on practicing of course. I am using the sensory and environmental anchors very regularly. I really have enjoyed doing it and have never experienced anything like it to be frank. In a good way!" -Kyla

Trauma relief:
phase 2

You've learned the Polyvagal Theory and are ready for the next step. But you might not be ready for the work of actively feeling and relieving your stuck defensive state. The thought of it may actually be slightly triggering for you.

That's where Building Safety Anchors fits. BSA is the middle phase of trauma recovery and the second phase of my Polyvagal Trauma Relief System. BSA is the essential piece that so many practitioners and modalities completely miss.

BSA is not therapy, but it is a lot of my therapeutic concepts, techniques and homework assignments brought together for you in your own self-paced trauma recovery work.

Meet your safety anchoring guide.

Hi, I'm Justin. I built BSA based on the needs of my clients, course students, and audience. The strength of their safety state is consistently a huge obstacle in their recovery and nothing else addressed this problem adequately.

I delved deeply into the Polyvagal Theory to enhance my therapy outcomes for heavily traumatized clients. Now, I specialize in trauma therapy with somatic techniques and a strong grasp of the theory. I've taught it globally through my podcast and directly to teachers, social workers, police, therapists, and more. I'm a member of the Polyvagal Institute's Editorial Board. In short, I'm a Polyvagal Nerd.

BSA options:

$400 course purchase

Great for you if:

  • you want to own BSA for life

$800 courses package

Great for you if:

  • you want to own BSA and my two other courses for life

  • you want to save $150 compared to buying each course individually

Subscribe to Total Access

Great for you if:

  • you want all of my trauma recovery courses

  • you want the steps before and after BSA

  • you want to connect with others

  • you want a bunch of other perks

Trauma recovery courses & community in one subscription.

Stuck on your trauma recovery journey? The Total Access Membership provides the tools and connections to move forward.

Money back* guarantee.

No questions asked.

If you don't like this course or it's not effective for you for any reason, simply let me know you want a refund* within 14 days and I will give it to you with no questions asked.​ Seriously.

*Is it a full refund?

You will get a full refund minus any fees incurred, like payment processing.

Refund offer is for purchase of this course only, not for subscription payments, like with Total Access.

Buy with confidence.

Schedule a no-pressure chat with me to address any questions you might have.

My promise - no sales pressure. None. Zero. Zilch. You will not be asked to pay during this call. I'm there purely to answer any questions you have.

Click here to book a chat >

I can't afford it!

That's why I made the Total Access Membership! For a low price, you can subscribe to all my trauma recovery courses and be a part of my private community.

Learn more about Total Access >

Are your courses just stuff I already do? Like coping skills?

Definitely not. My courses are designed to take you beyond coping and into self-regulation and trauma recovery.

Is this course part of your System?

It is! PTRS is a bundle of all three of my trauma recovery courses. And PTRS is a part of my Total Access Membership.

Learn about PTRS >

Can I find the course info in your free content?

Not even close. My course curriculum is much different from my free content. The free stuff teaches you what, the paid courses teach you how.

Is access to community part of the course purchase?

No. You must be subscribed Total Access Membership, which has community and all courses in one subscription.

Do I get access to the meetups?

No. You must be subscribed Total Access Membership​, which has community and all courses in one subscription.


Image by Jason Leung

Spend less. Get more.

Dealing with trauma can be incredibly challenging, but the Total Access Membership can help you every step of the way. As a subscriber, you'll gain access to all three of my trauma recovery courses, one for each phase of trauma recovery. Plus, you'll get access to my private community to connect with others (if you want) so you won't be alone on your journey.

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