**Disclaimer: This information is NOT meant to diagnose. If you feel like you may be experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder, consult with a mental health or medical professional. We are speaking in generalities. Your specific situation, diagnosis, treatment and medication are entirely between you and your provider.
Fluctuation between extreme highs and lows
Bipolar I disorder is a manic-depressive disorder that can exist both with and without psychotic episodes
Bipolar II disorder consists of depressive and manic episodes which alternate and are typically less severe and do not inhibit function
Cyclothymic disorder is a cyclic disorder that causes brief episodes of hypomania and depression
A manic episode is a period of at least one week when a person is very high spirited or irritable in an extreme way most of the day for most days, has more energy than usual and experiences at least three of the following, showing a change in behavior:
Exaggerated self-esteem or grandiosity
Sympathetic charge
Story follows state
Flight or fight energy? Dunno.
Less need for sleep
Sympathetically active
Can’t fall asleep when in flight/fight
Talking more than usual, talking loudly and quickly
Loss of vocal prosody when in sympathetic
Shorter breathing leads to faster rate of speaking
Easily distracted
Sympathetically active due to neuroception of danger
Always scanning the environment
Doing many activities at once, scheduling more events in a day than can be accomplished
Sympathetic energy with no place to direct it
Lack of mindfulness of the energy, not being in the moment
Not feeling the root of the energy, just acting
Probably a low tolerance to being in the moment
Increased risky behavior (e.g., reckless driving, spending sprees)
No direction for the energy
Uncontrollable racing thoughts or quickly changing ideas or topics
Anxious or aggressive thinking of the sympathetic state
A hypomanic episode is similar to a manic episode (above) but the symptoms are less severe and need only last four days in a row. Hypomanic symptoms do not lead to the major problems that mania often causes and the person is still able to function.
A major depressive episode is a period of two weeks in which a person has at least five of the following (including one of the first two):
Intense sadness or despair; feeling helpless, hopeless or worthless
Empty, foggy, detached
Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
Anhedonia, the life force energy is gone
The sympathetic connection or motivation
Feeling worthless or guilty
Very much the feelings of being in a shutdown as well
Sleep problems — sleeping too little or too much
Too much is a shutdown thing
Too little might be due to some sympathetic energy returning
Or shutdown danger cues being too overwhelming?
Feeling restless or agitated (e.g., pacing or hand-wringing), or slowed speech or movements
Sympathetic or shutdown
Undirected energy of sympathetic emerging
Changes in appetite (increase or decrease)
Coping skill of the emerging sympathetic energy?
Appetite returning from shutdown?
Decrease due to shutdown since feeling hunger less?
Prepping for death
Loss of energy, fatigue
Prepping for death
Difficulty concentrating, remembering making decisions
Cognitive functions of shutdown are… shut. down.
Frequent thoughts of death or suicide
Preparing for death brings thoughts of death
Emerging from freeze is also scary and might be related to suicide imo
For another time
Uncontrolled return of sympathetic energy or maybe uncontrolled release of frozen energy
I’ve got an online therapy interest list now available
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Therapy Interest List - https://www.justinlmft.com/therapyinterestlist
APA Bipolar Disorders - https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/bipolar-disorders/what-are-bipolar-disorders
Intro/Outro music & Transition Sounds by Benjo Beats - https://soundcloud.com/benjobeats