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Building Safety Anchors

  • 1 Step
  • 113 Participants
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


BSA is a course designed to help you activate more safety on a biological level, in your autonomic nervous system. You will feel calm, connection, playfulness and experience being anchored in your body in the present moment. BSA is not for "trauma healing" in and of itself, but can be the groundwork necessary. Identifying, practicing and building the capacity to be in your Polyvagal state of safety is imperative to succeeding in trauma release, trauma healing, getting unstuck... whatever you want to call it! It's also essential for being able to visit difficult topics and feelings in the therapy process. BSA teaches and guides you in being able to do so. BSA is not for the mildly curious. It's a robust course the teaches about safety and six unique paths to getting into your own safety state. It also has an optional daily practice guide that requires dedication and about 30 minutes per day. Along with the BSA course, you also get access to a monthly private Q&A/discussion opportunity with me and other participants in the Open Office Hour. BSA also includes exclusive course videos and PDF Lessons.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app






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